Deeper Foundations

Set aside the generic, cookie-cutter tactics keeping you overworked, overwhelmed, and underpaid.

Instead - build a deeper foundation.

A six month course, mentorship, and community program for the service-based business owner who wants to reach reliable revenue through a sustainable business foundation and strategy. 

Next Enrollment Opens September 2024

Strengthen your business-making intuition

You’re past the initial launch of your business. You’ve been working with at least a few clients. And you know you’re good at your craft. 

But how can you grow without selling out - or selling your soul?

Most entrepreneurs in this stage of business are getting so much advice from so many different places that they get lost in the sea of comparison-itis.

Everyone else seems to be growing faster. Everyone seems to have different advice, a different playbook for growth.

You’re told all of these things you need to be doing in your business. And you don't know which ones to do first or next. So you're frantically doing things and have no idea which actions are impactful.

It’s time to stop relying on someone else to tell you “what to do.”

Invest—and have confidence—in your business-making intuition.

When I started Deeper Foundations, I knew I wanted to keep my business aligned with my values and grow my revenue without growing my workday. I was ready to end my "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" era, but one-size-fits-all strategy tips and tricks never seemed to actually fit me (or deliver on their promises). Deeper Foundations cut through the noise and gave me exactly what I needed! Jessica's program took me back to first principles to build in a way that's healthy for my business and my life. 

After my work in Deeper Foundations, I'm seeing consistently higher revenue, and I have a realistic plan for long-term growth. I'm also no longer spending time or money on "business theater" activities that I thought I "should" be doing; my marketing, sales, and content strategies actually fit my business model now! And as a result of all this, I feel so much calmer. 

If you're ready to learn how to create resilient, realistic processes and grow a business that you actually want to be running, Deeper Foundations delivers tremendous value for the investment. It's a surprisingly tailored and intimate experience for a group course, and I'm always amazed by how well Jessica knows each of our unique challenges. Not only has the group format allowed us to learn from each other, but Jessica has created a supportive community that is rooting for each other at every stage. 

Jennifer Bower, Fortuna Money

The promises of a 1-2-3 roadmap seem so appealing.

When you get to this “what’s next” moment in your business… It’s reallllllly tempting to find and follow some ten-step path from the internet.

You’ll recognize the cookie-cutter roadmap from its shiny promises of an easy path to leisure time and financial freedom. Ease and joy. Do the work you love. Live the life you desire…

…and yet they leave you without guidance on the steps that YOU need to take, based on your style and stage of business.

You won’t find formulas That’s not what you’ll find in Deeper Foundations. There’s no “right way.” 

I don’t have all the answers, but I do have the structures, tools, and foundational frameworks to help you find your own. 

Entrepreneurship is filled with a whole lot of failures. And anyone who tells you “this is exactly how to do it”... They’re lying to you. It's easier to sell you an easy answer than it is to say it's going to be hard. 

At this point in your business, you don't quite know what works for you yet, or who you are as an entrepreneur. So trying to find a formula and a templated path—modeled on someone else's success—is a fast way to never knowing your own path and burning out from the grind.

Let’s map out your path and build a stronger foundation.

I’m Jessica Lackey, ex-corporate warrior turned deep business and operations strategist. I spent my career in the trenches of business - like Harvard Business School, McKinsey Consulting, and Nike.

Which means I know business - and I also know exactly what it’s like to be forced into hustle culture and pigeon-holed into judging success by the bottom line. 

I bring that expertise in business strategy, combined with a human-centered perspective, to help entrepreneurs grow and scale sustainable businesses.

Here’s how we build your robust business foundation—without overwhelm.

We’ll plant the seeds and tend the sprouts that will grow into your rooted business. Roots like:

  • Your mission and methodology

  • Your business model, offers, and pricing

  • Your marketing and sales strategy

  • Your business-building priorities 

Over 6 months, you’ll learn the tools, practices, and foundational frameworks of a sustainable business and start implementing your plans.

And we’ll have six months together to watch those roots deepen and seeds bloom.

We’ll tend your sprouts, notice what works, and make adjustments. Not all seeds will bloom, and that’s normal.

At the end of our time together, you’ll have developed deep, foundational roots for your business, you’ll be able to evaluate your strategy for success, and you’ll know how to adjust it if necessary.

You’ll feel good about relying on your business-making intuition.

Next Enrollment Opens September 2024

“This program was the key piece to my business transformation. The clarity, support, and community helped enable me to create this version of my company.”
— Rachel

Building your path to sustainable revenue is not fast or linear. That’s why we are together for six months.

We don’t build rooted businesses alone. That’s why this is a group experience. 

You’ll witness and celebrate each other. And the other members' questions will spark ideas that you wouldn't have had otherwise.

I’m keeping the group intentionally small—capped at 15, no more than the number of people who’d fit around a campfire —so you won't be lost in a sea of faces. 

There are six months of integration support, so you won’t be left at the end of the course with templates and formulas to figure it out on your own. 

You won’t join only to be handed off to a success coach. I’ll be your coach and mentor.

I’ll stop you from ripping out the sprouts when they don’t seem to be growing.

I’ll witness the roots you're deepening if you're getting frustrated that they're not developing fast enough. 

Most importantly, my job is to provide perspective and to help you design a business that honors and supports you.   

You can build a sustainable, profitable business.

Next Enrollment Opens September 2024

The Deeper Foundations Program

Next Enrollment Opens September 2024

12 Course Lessons

Including videos, worksheets, and resources

Deeper Start: The essential information and prompts if you’re short on time

Deeper Foundations: In-depth videos, slides, and guided worksheets on subjects you where want to dive deeper

Tools and Templates: The Deeper Business Dashboard includes all of the spreadsheets I use in my business to plan pricing, revenue and expenses, create sales and audience growth metrics, track connections and sales pipeline, and record the Roots to Fruits success metrics.

Weekly Discussions

Alternating between Lesson Review and Q&A Discussions to get real support on the material (with replays posted within 24 hours). Event calendar posted in Circle for easy links.

Thursdays at 1-2pm EST.

Weekly Co-Working

Optional time for group co-working so you have dedicated time to implement what you’re learning.

Mondays at 2-3 pm EST.

Private Circle Community Discussion Forum

Ask questions and receive support or coaching from me in between calls. This space is also for connecting with fellow members to celebrate wins and encourage each other.

Two 30-minute 1:1 calls

Get targeted support and strategy with me at the beginning and mid-point of the program to help you diagnose areas of focus and implement changes.

Monthly 30 minute 1:1 call

Dive even deeper into your business with me each month (limited to Coaching tier only)

Partner Bonuses!

  • Each participant will receive an Essentials Copy Review, provided by Karyn Claflin. Get concise, actionable video feedback from our Copy Coach on two pieces of foundational copy so they speak more clearly to your ideal clients.

  • Each participant will receive a custom reading selection with Journal prompts provided by Kate Hollis, as well as a shared group book for discussion.


Your Tangible Outcomes

Your updated mission, message, and business north star

Your 2024 strategy and priorities

Your next 90-day action plan

A budget that matches your financial needs and energetic capacity

Your numbers: Clients, Sales, Conversations to keep your practice full

Your marketing and sales approach

Your way to stay on track to your tasks

A calendar that fits your capacity and schedule

How to measure success - without comparison

“When I joined Deeper Foundations, I was feeling stuck in my business. Jessica showed me that there were things I was taught were “just part of doing business” that weren’t just unnecessary -- they were holding me back and causing my business to stagnate. Throughout the 6-month program, I gained valuable, meaningful connections with other business owners, created an offer suite that works for me AND my clients love, and went from feeling alone and isolated to knowing that amazing people have my back.”
— Angela

How would it feel to…

Create repeatable processes that lead to consistent sales, so you’re not periodically in a scramble for clients. 

Figure out the marketing methods that feel genuinely doable – and actually bring in sales from them.

Be strategic about your numbers in a way that’s customized to your work, your best ways of working, and your values.

Design highly-saleable offers that bring in your needed revenue while protecting your time and energy.

Identify the support, projects & resources that are worth your time and money, so you nourish your seeds wisely.

Set yourself up for long-term success, because you’re planting deep roots for business sustainability.

A sustainable business where you have agency and autonomy.

Go from overwhelmed to radically focused

You’ll replace an endless to-do list of complicated, scary tasks with fewer, better, do-able tasks that move your business forward. 

See real growth in your business

You’ll know what works (and what doesn’t) to make consistent sales and stay on track to your revenue goals.

Build trust in your business intuition

You’ll stop seeking out silver bullets and experts who tell you what to do and start trusting that you know exactly how to move your business forward.

Build real foundations for growth.

After our six months together, you’ll:

Move from overwhelmed to radically focused.

See real movement in your business. 

Know how to evaluate and adjust your strategy.

Honor your capacity, your gifts, your soul. 

Let’s root down to rise up.

Let’s build a business foundation that supports long-term growth

Come for the mentorship. Stay for the community. Six months of support.

You have two options to join us-

  1. Course and Community: I don’t just teach live - I’m active in the community every day providing support, answering questions, and even filming videos about specific member questions. No “posting and ghosting” here. And, each member automatically gets two 30-minute 1:1s - to kickoff our work and to finalize their offer structure and pricing.

  2. Coaching: You can opt for deeper mentorship via an additional 30-minute 1:1 meeting each month, where we can dive deep on each topic - or whatever is happening in your business! The coaching tier is limited to 4 spots.

The specific calendar of live sessions will be sent once you enroll.

Course + Community

$1,800 or 6 payments of $300.

No extra fees for payment plans - pay $300 today and 5 monthly payments of $300.

Limited to 15 total participants.

Course + Community + Coaching

$3000 or 6 payments of $500.

No extra fees for payment plans - pay $500 today and 5 monthly payments of $500.

Limited to 4 spots.

“The business plan work we did early on illuminated the fact that even if my services were booked out, I would not be making enough money to support my life. I have a lot more clarity in regards to what my offers and client load should look like in order for my business to meet my needs. I now understand the steps I need to take to get there, and I know that making slow and steady progress is the only sustainable way forward!”
— Leanne

How a Harvard MBA turned into a soul-centered feminist coach.

I was taught my whole life to follow the good-girl, corporate-ladder path. I trained as a consultant at McKinsey, got my Harvard MBA, and spent a decade working in Fortune 500 strategy and operations.

I was promised that following that path would lead to a fulfilling and financially successful life. And instead, I ended up overworked, burned out, and sacrificing my body and soul for corporate profits.

After making the leap to entrepreneurship, I continued to see the same pattern. The hustle and grind culture never ends - and too many business-building programs are going to capitalize on your search for “the right next move” and take your time, energy, and money without equipping you with the right tools to succeed in the long term.
I’m committed to doing business differently - and committed to helping you thrive.

Is this right for you?

  • During the course, between watching the lessons, attending the live calls, and implementing, I’d recommend about two to four hours per week. But know there is no “getting behind.”

    We’ll have sixty-minute discussion calls weekly and weekly co-working to help you implement what you’re learning.

    One of our goals together is to leave you with fewer, better commitments so you’re no longer spending valuable time working on things that aren’t bringing you results.

  • Deeper Foundations is a six-month program. The investment is $1800 for the course + community, or $3000 for the 1:1 coaching tier. There are two payment options: full payment or a monthly installment plan.

    Full Payment: Make your full payment for the six-month program upfront. One payment then you’re all set.

    Installment Plan: Make your first payment today. Pay the rest of your tuition in 5 monthly installments

    If you need a different payment plan or some other form of financial assistance, or if you’re in a position to and would like to pay it forward and contribute to someone else’s program fee, please email us to discuss your situation.

  • March 18, 2024 -Sept 1, 2024. Lessons at 1-2 pm ET on Thursdays. Optional co-working is at 2-3 pm ET on Mondays.

  • If within the first 30 days of the program, you email me that the program is not right for you, I’ll happily cancel your future payments or refund your payment less your first month’s non-refundable deposit. I don’t want you to spend any time, money, energy on a course that’s not right for you.

  • The course will be hosted in a private Circle community. I’ll be in the community daily answering questions so you’ll never get stuck in between sessions.

  • We’re sold an image that the path to $100K is fast, predictable, and linear. It’s not. I’m not the right coach for you if you want someone to promise fast results.

    You’re building something important. You’re not willing to compromise your values, or your health, or exploit your community for fast growth. That’s not a failure—it’s listening to your inner intuition about what success means to you. That’s why getting to a sustainable revenue level - your way - often takes longer than that image we’re sold.

  • Because of the nature of growing a business, revisiting your foundations is something we do throughout the business lifecycle. You’ll have access to the lessons, templates, and tools while this program is hosted in Circle so you can re-evaluate your foundations and make adjustments as needed.

    At the end of our time together, you’ll have developed deep foundational roots for your business and be on track to your revenue targets —your way. If you find you want to move through the process again with the integration support to level-up your business and build deeper roots, you can continue on with a discounted rate.

    You will retain access to the curriculum while it is hosted in the Circle platform.

  • If you can’t make all of the calls, you’ll still benefit from this program. For the weeks you miss, you can submit your questions ahead of time and watch the replay. It’ll be available within 24 hours.

    If you can’t make most of the calls, but you know this is the support you need, book a discovery call to learn about other options where you’ll still have access to the program materials.

  • We teach from our experiences, and in my work, I stand on the shoulders of my teachers.

    You can learn more about my qualifications, teachers, and influences here.

  • Yes. If you’ve built the foundation, but aren’t seeing the growth you’d like, something is missing in those foundational pieces. And part of my job is to help you figure out what it is.

  • $100K is not about wealth signaling. It’s not about the income claims. But this is a sustainable number for most businesses in the United States.

    Even if your goal isn’t $100K, it is an important milestone, and it’s important to have the infrastructure to make it possible.

I don’t want you to spend any more time, money, or energy on solutions not designed for your business style or size.

I used to think the hardest part of building a business was starting. It’s not.

It’s the part that comes after you’ve started. You’ve announced your business on social media, your friends cheer for you, and you’ve gotten your first few clients from your network...

After that fanfare dies down, that’s the hardest part. 

It’s hard to keep your optimism when your business isn’t growing as fast as it’s “supposed” to.

We’ve been sold the dream that growing a business is supposed to be easy and if it’s not, we’re to blame. That lie costs you real time, real money, and real energy.

You don’t have to get stuck in that valley of despair. You don’t have to spend another year or two frustrated from trying activities that aren’t made for your stage of business, and wasting money on programs that promise (and fail to deliver) an easy solution.

You get to do good work in a way that honors your capacity, your gifts, your soul. And you don’t have to go it alone. 

If building a sustainable business is your goal, and you’re ready to embrace your pace and stage of business and start developing your business-making intuition, Deeper Foundations was designed for you.

I’ll help you design a business that honors and supports you.
If now is the time for you, I hope you’ll join me for Deeper Foundations.

You get to do good work in a way that honors that you’re human and deserve to have pleasure, joy, and rest.

Together we’ll develop:

  • Security in your roots: Your North Star. Your business model. Your sustainable path to your revenue target, be that five-, six-, or even seven-figures of revenue.   

  • Rhythms and rituals that allow you to grow without the never-ending hustle.

  • Your capacity to show up visibly where it makes sense for you and your future clients.

Grow your business while honoring your capacity, your gifts, your soul, and your community.

Next Enrollment Opens September 2024

*Earnings Disclaimer: Participation in the program does not guarantee specific results, financial or otherwise. By purchasing this course, you take 100% responsibility for doing the work and generating your desired results, and as such Jessica Lackey LLC does not assume liability for actions taken by the course participant. The testimonials listed on this site do not guarantee similar outcomes. Neither this site or the course materials constitute legal, tax, or professional advice.